Sunday, February 5, 2012

Madonna's 2012 Super Bowl Halftime Show

♥ ♥ Watching the 2012 Super Bowl Halftime Show... Madonna just killed that ish! Visually (atleast)... On point! I'm gonna need her to put her back into it next time tho (she did lack energy at times) and almost took a spill (don't act like you didn't see that!)... I do, however, like how she incorporated my girl Nikki Minaj, M.I.A., and Cee-Lo Green into the performance. Overall... Entertaining! Get it Madonna!! Guess you still got it, girl! {{**pops booty twice then vogues into the kitchen to microwave a bowl of chinese food**}}


  1. Yea the performance was great. I saw that fumble too. YAY NEW YORK!!!

  2. Did you see M.I.A. flip the birdie during the performance? How did I miss that!!?

  3. Wait a minute I didn't see that. I'm so not surprised though. This is the same chick who performed on a music award show in a BUMBLE BEE outfit when she was 9 months pregnant and about to give birth any minute. I really thought the baby was gonna fall out on stage. Gotta love her.
